A modern, lightweight binary serialization format
Small. Fast. Easy. Pick any three.
Read the Spec Find an Implementation16 primitive type codes: nil, struct, list, end, string, boolean uint8, uint16, uint32, uint64, int8, int16, int32, int64, float32, float64.
A JSON compatible data model with objects and lists combined with the performance of native arrays of primitives.
Simpler encoding for faster reading and writing. From 2x to an order of magnitude speed gain over JSON, depending on the workload.
Primitive vectors are standard, contiguous, little-endian arrays. Most vectors can be written or read with zero-copy operations.
A regular type and size tag format for hexadecimal data readable by mortals.
Can be serialized and deserialized without a schema. Schema support (on the roadmap) for code generation and type verification.